The Planet 4 Project Team have made the following updates to the Product:
Release v1.11 (2/4/2018)
Front End
PLANET-1940 Posts: Add anchor to comments On Posts, an anchor now appears in the Page header and is linked to the comments section. When the user clicks on the link they are taken directly to the Comments block down the page. The number of comments posted on this topic is also visible.
PLANET-1708 Footer: change background and link colour To meet WCAG AAA accessibility standards, the text colour in the footer has changed. The hyperlinks are now #FFFFFF which is underlined on mouse hover.
PLANET-1868 Static Four Column block: Make Responsive If the web editor does not fill in all the columns, the design is now responsive. e.g. if only 3 columns are used in a 4 column block, those three columns will spread to make up the width for the 4th column.
PLANET-1956 BUG CSS Breakpoints: check iPhone This was causing horizontal scrolling on some mobile devices.
PLANET-1983 BUG Search: Odd blue check boxes There were rogue small blue check boxes appearing in the upper right hand corner of Search page. They are now gone.
Back End / Admin
PLANET-1805 Carousel Split block: Remove from Insert Post Element panel The Carousel Split block has been removed from the Insert Post Element panel. We have a perfectly functional Carousel for images and do not intend on further developing this block at this time (e.g. we’re removing it from the design).
PLANET-1981 Split Two Column block: add an empty default field for Issue drop down The behaviour for the “Issue fields (Column 1 – Left side)” drop down is now the same as the “Campaign fields (Column 2 – Right side)”.
PLANET-1962 404: Apply new generic image and remove specific functionality The moving speech bubble was removed from the design.
PLANET-1975 Remove the js that synchronises Page Types with Categories Since we no longer need Categories to be the same as the Page Type we have removed the javascript that was syncing Page Types and Categories.
PLANET-1976 Settings: Page Type selectors Since we no longer need Categories to be the same as the Page Type we have removed from the Admin Settings the drop downs where the Admin would associate Categories to Posts. This also changes the Editor workflow: Page Types on Posts has returned, Page Categories are out! Now, instead of ticking the check box under Categories the Editor will instead select the Page Type (Story/PR/Pub, etc) from the drop down menu. Currently this defaults by alphabetical order; in an upcoming release the Admin can choose which Page Type would be the default. (i.e. if the editor does not chose a Type one will be chosen for them)
Release v1.12 (9/4/2018)
Front End
PLANET-1945 BUG Carousel: caption cut off On mobile devices, on both Pages and Posts, the Caption area in the Carousel was being cut off when the text was overly long. The blue caption area now expands as the text does – e.g. the same behaviour that we find on embedded images in Posts.
PLANET-1990 BUG Carousel Header: poor button alignment On mobile devices, the button on the Carousel Header was out of alignment. It has been fixed and is now centred.
Back End / Admin
PLANET-1932 Evergreen page: header description should allow line breaks The Header field was not allowing for basic HTML in the Evergreen template.
PLANET-1936 HappyPoint block: should be using the srcset images The Happy Point block is now using the srcset images which are optimised to reduce size of downloaded images.
PLANET-1996 HappyPoint block: load iframe when user scrolls To increase page load speed, the Happy Point iframe will only load when the visitor scrolls to the end of the page.
PLANET-1986 Settings: create a field for the default Page Type Added a Setting for default Page Type. This will allow the Admin to determine what Page Type all new Posts will have should the Editor forget to set one.
PLANET-2013 Articles block: allow for selecting Page Type Checkboxes have been introduced so the Editor can determine which Page Type should be displayed (like we have in Content Four Column).
PLANET-1982 BUG Footer: social icons line responsive The line now responds to the number of social icons used in the footer.
PLANET-1989 BUG Covers block: fix number of rows selected Option ‘Show 1 row’ now shows 1 row and Option ‘Show 2 rows’ shows 2 rows
Release v1.13 (16/4/2018)
Front End
PLANET-1593 Cookies: Add bottom margin to footer when cookie warning is present Cookie notice changed from appearing over the page to appearing below the page.
PLANET-1709 Comments: change placeholder text color Text color for accessibility
PLANET-1987 Content Four Column block: Make Responsive When less than 4 Posts populating this block, the design is now responsive. e.g. If there are only 2 or 3 Posts appearing in a 4 column block, those two or three columns now spread to make up the width for the 4th column./li>
PLANET-1997 Two Column Block: Fix button alignment Buttons on the two column are now fixed to the bottom of the frame.
PLANET-1998 Task Block: Fix button alignment Buttons on the tasks are now fixed to the bottom of the frame.
PLANET-2029 Happy Point: Image not resizing Image was not resizing on mobile devices.
Back End / Admin
PLANET-1974 Four Column Block: Improve editor workflow Changed the drop down text under “Number of Posts displayed” to: Show 1 Row/Show 2 Rows/Show All Posts
PLANET-1916 Four Column block: Improve default results Allows the Editor choose whether to show 1 Row, 2 Rows or All of the Posts on the Page
PLANET-1946 Reduce loading time: Minify JS sources We now have one main.js file for our javascript code which is minified
PLANET-1947 Reduce loading time: Optimize CSS delivery CSS file was causing a delay in rendering the above-the-old content of the page.
PLANET-2012 Install wordfence installed to improve security of planet4 sites.
PLANET-2045 Fix warnings and notices on master-theme and plugin-blocks Various notices were appearing b/c when debugging on.
Editors now can insert basic rich text in Blocks' descriptions and Hubspot signups are now tracked. Some accessibility improvements, bug fixes and system upgrades complete the release.
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