The P4 Roadmap

Planet 4 was live for the first time at the beginning of 2018 on version 1.0. The improvements made since then are grouped in the #Updates page.

Check the P4 Roadmap

Request NEW – Vote P4 features

What you see below is a public list of all the ideas generated by the community 🙌. . Please Log in* to create a new idea or vote for existing ones!

The full Idea generation / voting / discussion / decision process is described in this Video (also below 👇 at How ideas turn into product development)

*.. need a Handbook account? Send us an email!

[ideapush board=”60″ status=”all-statuses”]

How ideas turn into product development (Video & process)

Here’s a video and here’s a schematic process on how the ideas above make their way into the core product 👇

Click on the image to enlarge

Data-Driven Improvements

To continuously improve existing features and integrate new functionalities, the mantra of the P4 team is “Testing before developing”.

The schematic below highlights how this is included in the development process, and for more details please check the Medium post improving Planet 4 with A/B Testing and the Set up A/B testing Handbook guide.

Links & Resources
